- Made from 100% organic cotton. In its purest form, organic cotton is higher quality, safer for farmers and ultimately one of the best sustainable threads made. Not to mention its favorable natural color. This natural plant-based textile is grown, processed, combed and sewn into your wardrobe’s favorites. Organic cotton uses 90% less water and greenhouse gases which lessen our environmental footprints. It requires 62% less artificial energy as it relies on nature's own energy to thrive. Overall, organic cotton is not only better for the Earth but better for you and others. Royal Apparel organic cotton goes through a credible certification process from The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS).
- Printed with nontoxic water-based ink
- Made in the United States
- This top was manufactured by a company whose facilities comply with environmental laws and regulations.
- This apparel was created by a company that uses recycled water during their manufacturing process and low impact, fiber reactive dyes that do not contain any heavy metal or toxic substances. Low impact dyes are dyes with a higher-than-average absorption rate. Less water is required in the rinse process and less dye runs off in the water. Therefore, the dyes create less waste while keeping their vibrant color.
- Created by an ethical company with strict policies against discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, nationality, social origin, social status, indigenous heritage, disability, age, marital status, capacity to bear children, pregnancy, sexual orientation, genetic features, or other status of the individual unrelated to the ability to perform the job.